Wystra blog

Maximizing Team Productivity: Effective Strategies and Tools

Enhancing productivity remains a cornerstone for the triumph and competitive edge of modern enterprises. It establishes a conduit for heightened profitability and accelerated growth, empowering firms to navigate their goals with superior efficiency. Through targeted engagements in these facets, organizations can propel their operational efficacy and foster superior synergy amongst their workforce.

Enhancing Performance Reviews in Remote Companies: Strategies and Best Practices

Performance reviews are a cornerstone of effective management and play a crucial role in maintaining productivity, engagement, and growth within an organization. In a remote setting, these reviews become even more critical. They ensure that all team members, regardless of their physical location, remain connected to the company's objectives and feel valued and supported in their roles.

Performance Review in Teams - Guide to Improve & Grow

Performance reviews in teams serve a multitude of purposes that extend beyond mere assessment. They inherently harbor the potential to mold company culture, drive profitability, and hone emotional intelligence among team leaders. The following article delve into these aspects in detail.

Performance Review in Small Companies: Best Practices

For small organizations striving to carve out a competitive edge, conducting performance appraisals is much more than an annual ritual; it is a strategic necessity. Performance reviews can unearth a wealth of benefits that support not just the personal growth of each team member, but the overarching trajectory of the business itself.

Optimizing Performance Review in Small Companies: Strategies for Growth and Employee Engagement

How can performance review in small companies be both effective and manageable? This article unravels techniques for creating a streamlined review process that boosts growth and nurtures employee engagement, all within the typical constraints of a small company’s resources.

Personal 360-degree feedback tools - what to look for

Choosing a tool for gathering feedback is not as simple as you think – there are plenty of services out there, but it’s difficult to select one to go for. What makes a 360-degree feedback service perfect for personal usage? Which features are “must-have” and which are “nice-to-have”? You’ll find it out in this article.

Focus on your strengths to become a better leader

If you have ever participated in 360-degree feedback or performance reviews, you know that once results are ready people tend to look for negative comments, ratings first.

Top 14 leadership blogs to follow

Our list of leadership blogs that inspire and motivate us to become better.

Your leadership development plan in 2024

As a leader, you understand that your skills need to be constantly evolving. The skill gap is growing fast, and it’s important to reskill and upskill yourself on soft skills. In this post, we will provide you with the current leadership state, crucial soft skills for your role in 2024, ways to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and how to develop your leadership skills to become a great confident leader.

Guide to 360-degree feedback

Most important soft skills in 2021

Most important soft skills in 2021

There is no more question “Why do I need soft skills?” Professionals are more interested in these questions now: “What soft skills are the most important for my career growth?” and “How to evaluate and develop soft skills?”. In this post we will try to analyze what soft skills are the most important for 2021 after a year of COVID based on our experience and skills which have been selected most often for 360-degree feedback surveys conducted with Wystra.