Hey! You've been redirected to our new service Wystra. The same, but even better!

360-degree feedback reviews made easy

Review skills, values, and work efficiency with 360-degree feedback surveys. With Wystra, setting up and launching a survey takes just a few minutes, and you'll receive detailed and easy-to-understand reports!

360-degree feedback reviews made easy

Enhance skills with 360-degree feedback surveys

Discover the benefits of 360-degree feedback with Wystra. Our platform gathers feedback from all sides – colleagues, managers, and subordinates. This comprehensive feedback provides a complete understanding of skill development and employee performance.

  • Launch your first 360-degree survey in minutes
  • Identifying areas for skill development
  • User-friendly interface for employees, managers, and administrators
  • Skill analytics at team and company levels

360-degree reviews within minutes

Managers and HR teams can create 360-degree reviews for groups and individuals at any level.

  • Choose from preset questions or create your own
  • It's easy to select multiple employees for feedback
  • Three options to choose reviewers: automatic, by organizer, or by reviewees
Sample 360-degree feedback report
360-degree feedback reviews made easy

Reviews are  easy to fill out

Our intuitive interface lets employees complete surveys within minutes.

  • Automated email notifications
  • Mobile-friendly surveys
  • No login required
360-degree feedback reviews made easy

Review reports,  simplified

Easy to understand 360-degree review reports with progress analytics.

  • Reports for employees, supervisors and HR teams
  • All 360-degree review results in one place
  • Analytics to identify potential areas for improvement
360-degree feedback reviews made easy

More to love about Wystra

Discover how Wystra can help you build a feedback culture.

Easy to use and manage

Wystra is suitable for all users. Don't waste time on administration, focus on the insights and development!

Customization & Flexibility

Everyone is different, and we understand that. Wystra is designed to meet your specific requirements. We will help you to set up the account based on your needs.

Security & Privacy

We take security and privacy seriously at Wystra. We don't share customer data with anyone, whatsoever. Wystra is GDPR-compliant, servers are located in Europe.

Free training & Support

We would be happy to help you organize your reviews with Wystra. Our experts are ready to support you!

Set up a 360-degree review today